Providing tailored support for those who have come into contact with the Criminal Justice System (including staff members), helping them to make positive change and informed choices.
Over 11 million people within the UK have a criminal record and at least 735,000 of these are unspent convictions. Understanding if, when and how to disclose a criminal record can be hugely beneficial to an individual. It allows them to move forward in their lives and overcome barriers that they often didn’t believe they could.
We have supported those impacted by.
Delivering the Work Ready Programme as a delivery partner within Kent prisons.
Working as delivery partner for resettlement projects within prisons and the community for Sports Connect.
Supporting individuals on a 1:1 basis.
Delivering workshops and presentations to develop understanding around disclosure.
If you or your organisation would like to discuss our support, please contact us.
Supporting Staff Members Additionally, we support staff working within the Criminal Justice System to take control of their own career redirection. Working within a high-stress environment comes with it's own unique demands and there can become a point when it is time for something new, something different. Understanding qualities, transferable skills, career goals, retraining options, pathways, CV's, the recruitment cycle and change, can help that transition to be a much smoother one.
If you or your organisation would like to discuss our support, please contact us.