How we support imageHow we support image
Our courses, programmes and 1:1 support packages cover a wide range of employability skills to assist those with the most basic or complex needs. The sessions that are delivered depend on the needs of the individuals or group, with care taken to ensure the support is tailored to them. With self-efficacy at the core of all our support, we develop skills, confidence and aspirations in those who face barriers to employment.

Our support is delivered in a variety of places including classroom, online and within secure establishments, to either groups or individuals.

  • Online: Our online delivery is usually via Microsoft Teams or WhatsApp Video, with the client being explained how to access these prior to the session, helping to reduce any anxieties they might have.
  • Face-to-face: 1:1 support sessions can take place in the clients own home where required, with travel time and expenses factored in. For those able to travel, we have access to a private and comfortable meeting room in Kent, which can be booked for a reasonable fee. This room is accessible with drinks facilities available.
  • Classroom: With experience of delivering in a wide variety of environments, presenting numerous challenges, we can deliver classroom based learning for groups of 2 or more. We are able to provide our own resources including a mobile flip chart board, paper, marker pens and other learning materials.

Below are some of the employability skills sessions that we are able to deliver on a group or 1:1 basis.
Transferable Skills

Transferable Skills

Understanding the skills that are developed in a range of environments, is a key employability skill. These include both hard and soft skills, as well as personal qualities. We explore where and how these are developed, in addition to skills gaps and areas for improvement.

CV and Cover Letters

CV and Cover Letters

When it comes to applying for roles, we always promote quality over quantity and this starts with documents that highlight experience, skills and potential. Ensuring these are tailored to each role applied for increases the chances of being shortlisted, we explore ways to do this using the information available.

Proactive Job Searching

Proactive Job Searching

Job searching can be a job in itself. Having a more strategic approach can help to find opportunities that others don't. We look at ways to be more active, proactive and reactive when searching for roles, which can also have benefits to other areas of life and rehabilitation.

Career Redirection, Aspirations and Achieving Goals

Career Redirection, Aspirations and Achieving Goals

There are many factors to take into consideration when going through career redirection and identifying a pathway to achieving this. There are also many training opportunities that can support this. We help to plan that pathway and reinforce this with a Personal Action Plan that has clear, identifiable goals.

Being Interview Confident

Being Interview Confident

We explore the different types of interviews (including the less common), preparation and the interview follow up. We also identify questions that may be asked and how these can be answered in a relaxed, natural manner.

Why Volunteer?

Why Volunteer?

For some people, volunteering can be a great way to build skills, confidence and networks. There are many other benefits to both physical and mental health, whilst it can also support career redirection. We look at the factors to consider around volunteering and help to identify the role that best suits the individual at that time.

Disclosing with Confidence

Disclosing with Confidence

Over 11 million people within the UK have a criminal record and at least 735,000 of these are unspent convictions. Understanding if, when and how to disclose a criminal record can be hugely beneficial to an individual. It allows them to move forward in their lives and overcome barriers that they often didn’t believe they could.

Going Solo

Going Solo

For those who are considering self-employment or setting up a limited company, there are often many things to consider and questions to ask. We discuss the pros and cons of doing so, and then explore the difference between the 2 models. There is also insight into the reality of running a business and where to go for help and support.

Self-Directed Learning

Self-Directed Learning

Maintaining motivation, making the best use of the available time and developing greater self-efficacy is a vital part of our employability support. To help achieve this, there are often tasks of varying size to complete between sessions. Many of these are complimented with a short coaching video that explains the task in greater detail and ensures the learner continues to feel supported.

Access to Resources

Access to Resources

From the moment they have their first session, our learners have access to a membership area of our website, where we have a wide range of resources. Resources include written handouts, skills videos and a growing selection of audio-visual materials. This is an area that we are continuing to grow and learners see the benefit of this via their lifelong access.

Our learners have exclusive access to The Hive, which is the resource area of our website.

These active and informative employability resources are being added to and updated on a regular basis, ensuring that our learners have access to the latest information. They are varied in delivery and content to promote a blended learning approach and suit a greater variety of learning styles.

On being referred or enrolled for support, each learner is sent a link to access this area and a step by step guide explaining how to use it.

Access to The Hive is not just available whilst they are being supported. They have full access for life, ensuring the information to support them is available when they need it.

We are also aware that not all of our learners can or like to access online documents. In these cases, we are happy to send them a resource pack through the post.
Resources available within The Hive
Contained within this exclusive area, our learners will find.

  • workbooks
  • virtual handouts
  • coaching videos
  • tick sheets
  • PAP (Personal Action Plan)
Our written resources are designed to take the learner through the subject in a logical fashion, building their skills and knowledge as they do so. There are spaces for them to complete tasks that assist with the development of key areas such as their CV, job searching and interview preparation.

The tick sheets and PAP's are designed to assist with setting and completing goals as well employability related tasks.

All our coaching videos and virtual handouts are designed to be personal, genuine and engaging, with real person delivery.
Self-directed learning tasks
Between sessions, there are always self-directed learning tasks to be completed by the learner, promoting a greater degree of self-efficacy. These are designed to develop the learners skills and confidence, whilst assisting them in achieving their goals.

These tasks are complimented by individual coaching videos. These short videos are often sent between the sessions as a means to maintain motivation, explain tasks and act as a point of referral for the learner. Additionally, they can offer a timely reminder of the support available during an often challenging period.